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Go To Team Elite Camera Crew & Video Production Crew | high definition video crew

It's always a long haul, but Go To Team's Charlotte based crew, Skip Clark and Dan Lowrey, just wrapped up their time on the road with Fox Sports covering the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series....

In January, a new site launched on-line devoted to helping producer's find High Definition Video Crews. The site offers cameramen and directors of photography across the US the ability to add all the cameras they offer that are high definition. Producer's can register to...

Back during Thanksgiving, Jimmy Hall's video crew headed from Raleigh, NC to Mt. Olive to shoot behind the scenes of how Turkey cold cuts are produced. The folks at History Channel's Modern Marvels are putting together an entire show on Cold Cuts. And, Go To...

Video Clip var so = new SWFObject('','mpl','480','280','9'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addParam('wmode','opaque'); so.addVariable('author','Go To Team'); so.addVariable('description',''); so.addVariable('file',''); so.addVariable('image',''); so.addVariable('controlbar','over'); so.addVariable('stretching','exactfit'); so.addVariable('plugins', 'gapro-1,viral-2'); so.addVariable('gapro.accountid', 'UA-966913-1'); so.write('mediaspace'); During the 2006 New York Marathon, Armchair Media...