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Go To Team Elite Camera Crew & Video Production Crew | Video Crew part 128

For DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann, shooting interviews for the Today Show is a pretty simple assignment. As a former staff cameraman for NBC News, Dan has lit, edited, shot, and been shot at, all over the world. So you'd think a simple assignment such...

Just a few miles from the rows of Wings and Eagles beach stores there's an exotic-animal preserve (T.I.G.E.R.S) that houses a liger named Hercules…the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger (the opposite case, the offspring of a male tiger and a female...

[caption id="attachment_7393" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The party in the streets begins!"][/caption] For the past 6 months, Go To Team's Orlando-based DP/Partner, Dan Beckmann has been capturing all the highlights of Universal Orlando Resort for their EPK (Electronic Press Kit). Shooting in HD with the Panasonic Varicam, and the...

Shooting in HD on the Panasonic HVX 900, Orlando DP/Partner Dan Beckmann, spent the morning "going live" with NBC's The Today Show. Shooting live bumps, and teases of the iconic Hogwarts castle, Beckmann helped announce a new contest tie-in with The Wizarding World of Harry...